
Do More. See More. Be More!

Everyone loves a special occasion. We are here to help you create the most magical outdoor experience.


We help you make your special occasion the most magical and memorable experience the two of you will have. We arrange anniversaries, wedding proposals, romantic dinners, and other special events.
“It’s all about Love” Heidi Muller.

A bit of a Party

So you feeling festive or do you just want to gather under the full moon? We can help you organise a camp out on a roof top in the CBD, overnight on an island or the banks of a river, camp out in nature or spend the evening around a fire with a lamb spit or potjie. If it’s a birthday, bachelors/ette, reunion or just a time to connect with friends we can engineer the experience.

Whats Yours

Tell us what your most magical outdoor occasion is and we will get our Engineers on it. No doubt it will be the experience you have been imagining.

Let’s make something beautiful together.